Which Membership is Right For YOU?

Your fitness goals are unique which is why we have multiple membership plans to suit your needs. Click the 

Workout Plans

In need of a clear cut plan of action? Access ALL of Nicky’s thoughtfully written workout plans for just £9 p/month.
Finally become consistent with moving your body and gain an abundance of physical and mental strength along the way!

In need of a clear cut plan of action? Access ALL of Nicky’s thoughtfully written workout plans for just £9 p/month.
Finally become consistent with moving your body and gain an abundance of physical and mental strength along the way!

Classes Access &
Workout Plans

Let us help you reach your fitness goals with access to EVERYTHING on our app! From workout plans to our ever growing collection of delicious, balanced recipes showing that healthy doesn’t mean boring. You can keep up to date and feel supported in our community forums or message us directly through the app if you need any help. Best of all? You get to join our weekly LIVE or on demand strength, mobility and conditioning classes for a more guided, high energy Nicky T experience!

12 Weeks 1-2-1 Coaching Programme

We are all aware the fitness industry is very misleading, often making us feel like we ‘should’ be doing endless hours of exercise & restricting our diet. News flash, all this has ever done is lead to women having little to no confidence in themselves and super unhealthy relationships with food and exercise. In true no-BS Nicky T style, Nicky believes that there is just no place for guilt and punishment when trying to better yourself. This is why she is just SO determined to help women boycott the BS and finally begin to re build their relationship with themselves in a healthy, happy and balanced approach that they can maintain for the long run, all whilst gaining an abundance of knowledge & strength!
To conclude, the only things Nicky we will be cutting out of your life as your coach is all the punishment & misery. It is time to discover your healthy lifestyle in a sustainable & enjoyable way that fits around YOUR unique lifestyle, for the long run! 
To confirm, is not about shredding down 3 sizes or losing a drastic amount of weight in 12 weeks with no direction of where to turn at the end.

Bespoke Workout Programming

What is Bespoke Programming?
This is for individuals who have a goal or mission in mind that need a more personalised and bespoke approach to their workout plan. 
How does it work? 
Nicky will collate information from you in a online call about your missions, goals and ambitions so she can curate a plan that will get you to your goals! Bear in mind that you don’t HAVE to have a particular goal, it might simply be that you like a more tailored approach and want a realistic coach to keep accountable to. From here, Nicky can put toegther a plan of action which will be a block of workouts that you can access from our very own app, every week. You can track your sessions and progress all from your phone, knowing that you don’t have to think and instead just turn up and get your sessions done to the best of your ability! Nicky is always in the background via the in-app chat, where you can share videos of your exercises when you need a bit of advice and guidance on how to improve. 
Is this for anybody? 
Nicky will of course be honest with you if she feels another one of our services, such as the pre-made plans, would be more suitable to you but otherwise, yes! Bespoke programming is for anybody trying to just get generally fitter and stronger, all the way to somebody aiming towards an epic sporting goal! Whatever it may be, Nicky can work her magic and help you. 
What is the cost? 
Prices vary from person to person as of course, with this service being totally bespoke, Nicky will need to tailor the programme around each indivuals needs and goals. Feel free to enquire below or book a no obligation enquiry call with Nicky.