About Me

I’m Nicky, a PT and coach living in the gorgeous Cornwall, UK.

I love the outdoors and am forever grateful to be surrounded by green fields and live just five minutes from the sea.

Home is where my heart is and also where my animals are.

Doggy cuddles never fail to cheer me up and horsey snugs come a close second. Saying this, I don’t need to tend to need cheering up much, I’m a very up-beat person and I always try to see the good in everything/everyone.

I’m very close to my family who have a similar outlook on life too. I’m the baby of four siblings with 24 years between me and my eldest sister – I love this because I’m now Aunty to 7 nephews and 2 nieces. Myself and my now fiancé Sam have been together for over 10 years and together have our gorgeous spaniel, Toby.

Running my own business where I can share my passion and most of all HELP others, women in particular, has always been a huge goal of mine for as long as I can remember.

Sport was always ‘my thing’ in school and I milked it as it was the only thing I particularly talented at and enjoyed.

Academia wasn’t my strong point but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I recognised from a young age just how twisted the fitness industry was and I hated seeing any family or friends talk down about their appearance or not doing something out of fear of failing. Moving my body has always made me feel alive, confident and focused and I wanted to share this so others can discover it for themselves too!


I’m so addicted to watching women realise that their body is SO more than what they see in the mirror but rather a damn machine that they need to start respecting to see them through a long, happy and healthy life.


Will I help you discover this too?